Sunset Boulevard Cast Q&A: Joanna Goodwin

In our latest blog series, we’re catching up with our Welcome Back company cast members to find out what they’ve been up to over the past months, and how they’re feeling about returning to Curve.
In this cast Q&A, Joanna Goodwin – who will play Lisa in our streamed production Sunset Boulevard in Concert – at Home – reflects on our 2017 production and why audiences should book for our online concert performances.
How do you feel to be returning to Leicester – and to Curve – for these performances of Sunset Boulevard in Concert – at Home?
I feel so lucky to be not only revisiting a show where I met great life-long friends but to able to perform this year – and what a score! It really doesn’t get better than the score of Sunset Boulevard! Curve have created an incredible space and it will be truly emotional for us all to be part of an epic “return” ( as Norma would say).
What does the show mean to you?
The show means a huge deal as I was trusted to look after the show on the tour. That was huge for me as a performer, to have that responsibility, especially in such an epic show with an incredibly talented cast.
What is your favourite memory of the 2017 production?
It has to be Ria Jones singing the lyrics “I’ve come home at last…” when we were at the Swansea Grand theatre in her home town.
Which song/moment are you most looking forward to this time around?
The sound stage at Paramount scene. It really will be emotional as the lyrics in As If We Never Said Goodbye couldn’t ring more true at this present time.
Which song is your personal favourite?
As If We Never Said Goodbye
How has this year been for you? What have you been doing?
It’s been emotional, I have kept busy by teaching. I had just finished Funny Girl in Paris then we came back and nine days later it was lockdown. I did a lot of Instagram lives trying to keep young aspiring performers driven and passionate as it was hard to keep going.
I have been lucky to participate in a few online events helping raise money for the theatre and I am now involved with an incredible company called Magnetic Studios, which is an online platform for people to take class from home.
What films have you been watching during lockdown?
Ooooh, you know what, I haven’t watched much. I’ve started from the beginning of Grey’s Anatomy and have watched many of the classics like The Holiday and Bridget Jones. I also downloaded Broadway HD, so I’ve watched lots of shows I missed out on like Memphis, She Loves Me and Pippin ( all Broadway shows).
What do you hope audiences will take from these performances?
I hope the audiences will realise what they have missed and that everyone needs art and culture in their lives. People also need things to look forward to and escape to!