Sunset Boulevard Cast Q&A: Adam Pearce

As part of our Socially distanced Season, we’re catching up with all our Welcome Back company cast members to find out what they’ve been up to over the past months, and how they’re feeling about returning to Curve. In this Q&A Adam Pearce talks about coming back to Leicester as Max Von Mayerling in performances of Sunset Boulevard in Concert.
How do you feel about returning to Leicester to reopen Curve with these performances of Sunset Boulevard?
So excited!!! Curve is such a wonderful Place. Not only is the theatre stunning, but everyone who works at Curve is so supportive. It really is a Theatre Family.
Also, it will get me in from the cold. I’ve been working at a security firm where I have to spend 12 hours a day outside, so I can’t wait to be back in the warmth!
What does the show mean to you?
Sunset is a massive chapter in my life. Every time I hear any of the music from it my heart leaps. It really is a masterpiece.
I have made some incredible friends from this show and they have been such a support over lockdown. I can’t wait to see them in the flesh (from a 2-metre distance).
What is your favourite memory of the 2017 production?
There are so many! But the first night when the last note was played, there wasn’t a breath of silence – the audience roared. This was when each of us on stage and off knew that we were part of something quite unique.
What are you most looking forward to this time around?
I am looking forward to getting back to Max Von Mayerling. Even though it’s only been a couple of years apart, a lot of things have happened. With this crazy time that we are in at the moment, the importance of family, the ones you love and the ones you want to protect has never rung more true.
Which song is your personal favourite?
Too Much in Love to Care. A totally underrated song. I have wonderful memories waiting to come on from Stage Right watching the wonderfully talented duo Danny and Molly singing this beautiful song.
How has this year been for you? What have you been doing?
We had just opened The Prince of Egypt at the Dominion Theatre which is now postponed till 2021.
Four months of home schooling our six-year-old son was really tough, but my wife was amazing. She works as a teaching assistant and had a lot more patience than me.
Also, I got to spend some well needed family time together. And at one point we had a Zoom Quiz night with friends and family every day of the week!
What films have you been watching during lockdown?
A lot of Disney. My son manages to choose the most random films. The worst has to be the 1978 classic ‘The Cat From Outer Space’. It’s safe to say he is not allowed to touch the TV remote anymore.
What do you hope audiences will take from these performances?
Relief and release. We’ve had such a horrid eight months of uncertainty and fear. But with Sunset Boulevard and this whole season at Curve, it’s going to show that normality is on its way back. Our love for the Arts and Theatre never left and has got even stronger.
Find out more out performances of Sunset Boulevard in Concert and book your tickets now.