Curve Community - Get Creative!

Thu 9 Apr 2020

We hope this finds you and your loved ones well during these extraordinarily challenging times.

There’s so much we can’t do when our theatre doors and stages are closed. But there’s a lot we can do to ensure “the show must go onLINE”; we’d love you to get creative and make videos / short films for us to share with our wider Curve community and audiences online.

Do you have a favourite speech from a play you’d like to share with us online? Or has this time of reflection and huge societal change inspired you to write your own play, which you can perform from your lounge? Perhaps you were working on a show with your school or amateur group before the crisis hit, and you’d like to share a scene from that show? Perhaps you’d like to sing a song? Perhaps a piece of choreography? Perhaps you can use technology to connect with your friends and create some cool content? Perhaps you’ll write a poem about what Curve and culture means to you? Maybe you can share a video message memory of your favourite times at Curve?

We’re all creative and we don’t want to give you any rules – we’d love to see you stretch your brilliant creative muscles, be imaginative, embrace technology in these unprecedented times and celebrate all that is unique to you and your communities.

Please send your videos to –

Thank you,

Chris & Nikolai


How you’re getting creative

Female cast members of our 2016 Made At Curve Community production of Bugsy Malone have reunited virtually during lockdown to record the show’s title song for us!

Our Curve Young Company Member Poppy Marriott has recorded a performance of ‘Matchmaker’ from Fiddler On The Roof for us to enjoy!