Christmas Celebrations Casting Call-Out

We are looking for young people aged 14-21 to take part in a Curve theatre project, which will form part of our Christmas celebrations this year.
We are creating a short film to celebrate our great city, showcasing our communities and everything Leicester has to offer.
No acting experience is necessary, you just need to be relaxed on camera, enthusiastic and willing to work hard.
Rehearsal and filming dates: Evenings and weekend daytimes in late October / early November. All applicants MUST be fully available and within easy reach of Leicester city centre between 26 October – 15 November 2020.
As part of our ongoing commitment to engaging with our local community, please note that this is a voluntary opportunity. If you’re interested in acting, this is a great chance to work on a film project and get a permanent recording of the experience.
If you are aged between 14-21 and would like to be considered, please send us a short video including the following:
– introduce yourself, your age, where in Leicester you live and why you’d like to be involved with the project
– tell us which role you are applying for
– please also read this dialogue, looking directly into the camera –
“Okay Leicester! We need your help. We know you’ve all been busy creating your LIGHTS FOR LEICESTER STARS. Now is the time to send in your pictures of them lit up in your windows, in your living rooms, your tree, wherever you’ve got them. Tweet, Facebook and Instagram your pics to us right now! We need your help to power up our Christmas LIGHTS FOR LEICESTER. Please use the hashtag “LIGHTS FOR LEICESTER.”
Send your video to Tess Ellison, Producer at Curve:
The closing date for applications is midday on Monday 26 October 2020.
Full social distancing and safety precautions will be taken during filming and the majority of filming will take place outside.
1. Aisha – Leicester girl, south Asian heritage. Mid – late Teens. Confident, out going, spirited. A bit of a dreamer.
2. Jamie – Leicester boy, white British heritage. Mid – late Teens. Loves pop music, fashion and being free to be himself.
3. Olu – Leicester boy, Afro-Caribbean heritage. Mid – late Teens. A bit of a nerd. Works hard at school and dreams of being Prime Minister one day.
4. Natalia – Leicester girl, Polish heritage. Mid – late Teens. Fiercely independent, business minded and wants to run her own business one day.
5. Farzana – Leicester girl, Pakistani heritage. Mid – late Teens. Very bright and quick witted. Doesn’t mince her words! Leicester City fanatic.
6. South Asian Soldier – late teens / early 20s.
7. Dorothy – mid teens. Confident, outgoing and courageous. Strong dance skills essential.