Work Experience and Volunteering
Creative Career Pathway
Curve has a longstanding commitment to making theatre, and the work around it, accessible to all. We currently offer a variety of opportunities for people from all backgrounds to engage with and participate in the arts and believe that access to the arts should not be dependent on personal, social, educational or financial circumstances.
We believe that people from all backgrounds can achieve extraordinary things, and the Creative Career Pathways is a programme specifically designed by Curve to offer a variety of practical experience opportunities for people of all ages who are interested in the arts. From week long work experience placements to one to two-year apprenticeships – there really is something to offer for everyone and the experience gained can be used to compliment educational studies or advance professional development.
For more information about the programmes we currently offer and how to apply please read the sections below.

Work Placements and Experiences
Applicants can contact the relevant departments individually through the “contact us” or careers email address.
The Artistic departments have a strong relationship with DeMontfort University and have a variety of students throughout the year. The Artistic and Events departments have a student each from Cultural Events Management MSc course undertaking a work-based project completing at least 400 hours working on the development, promotion and delivery of a festival or event. The working hours and days are agreed between the department and the student and the student will then produce a report at the end of the placement.
The Artistic department can also have 1 or 2 students from the DMU Drama studies BA (Hons) course from March to October every year for 1 day a week. As part of their course students must undertake a placement in industry for 21 days.
All placement requests are to come through HR – If you would like to be considered for a placement, please email

Trainee Producer with Stage One
This is a one-year funded post which exposes the Trainee to high quality, potentially commercial work and allow them to develop the commercial aspirations of the organisation through co-productions, touring and/or transfers.
The placement will develop the trainee producer’s knowledge through hands-on experience and increase their commercial contacts within the industry.

Technical Placements
All placements must go through HR, this is especially prominent for placements and work experiences within Technical.
All technical placements are only available for individuals aged 18 and over. This is due to Health and Safety reasons and Safeguarding purposes.
Any requests for under 18’s must be decided through both the HR and Technical department on a case by case basis. Where possible the student may be offered a day observing a technical rehearsal.
Wardrobe placements in conjunction with Nottingham Trent University
Our Head of wardrobe works in collaboration with Nottingham Trent University to offer work placements for their students. These placements usually take place during our Community show however may take place at various points of the year.
Wardrobe placements
All wardrobe placements must go through HR.
All technical placements are only available for individuals aged 18 and over. This is due to Health and Safety reasons and Safeguarding purposes.
Any requests for under 18’s must be decided through both the HR and Wardrobe department on a case by case basis.
Volunteering at Curve

Visitor Experience Volunteers
A Volunteer Customer Host will cover a range of duties, from checking tickets and helping people to their seats, to a light clean up after the performance and issuing marketing materials for future events. Volunteers are vital members of the Curve team who share a love of theatre and give freely of their time to contribute in many ways.
No drop-in sessions are scheduled at this time.
If you have any questions in relation to our volunteering, please email

This scheme is run by DMU for current students to develop and gain a whole host of transferable skills.
The length of the internship depends on the role and duties so will be either 3 or 6 months long. DMU stipulate that the hours of work are limited to a maximum 10 per week during term time and 16 hours per week during holiday periods. Each student is paid a living wage for the internship by DMU.
Applications are invited at various points of the year. These will be advertised via DMU for their graduates. Once applications have been made DMU then shortlist the candidates and send the details to employers to interview. Start dates can vary dependant on the needs of the organisation.
Questions or Queries
If you have any questions in relation to any of the above placements, experiences or volunteering, please email