Meet CYC Kids Dance Leader Sophie Hocking

Thu 20 Dec 2018

As part of CYC Dance you will create different projects throughout the year, devising your own pieces and performing on both traditional stages and in site-specific venues around the city.

Participants aged between 12-19 are taught by Sophie Hocking, find out more about her below!

Tell us something about you and your practice:

I have been working in community dance for nearly 10 years and absolutely adore it. I have spent the last 5 years working for local dance company Moving Together, where I have taught dance in schools, theatres, car parks (yes really!), playgrounds and many other bizarre places! I have also visited poor areas of India for the past two years where I have delivered dance workshops to adults and children in the slums. Within my role with Moving Together, I specialised in delivering Arts Awards and I particularly enjoy working with children with special needs. I am currently doing a PGCE at University to be a primary school teacher!

What can people expect when they join CYC Kids?

Children can expect to have super fun Saturdays! We work creatively and collaboratively to bring staff and student’s ideas to life through dance, drama and singing. Children will learn life skills through exploring performing arts and will make lasting friendships along the way. We are a very friendly bunch!

What are you looking for from your students?

Enthusiasm! I love it when students are ready to give anything a go – no matter how weird and wonderful!

What is the best thing about working with CYC Kids?

I love the energy that the children bring to sessions. There is never a dull Saturday at Curve! Learning and rehearsing in the theatre also gives the children an authentic theatre experience which is so important.

What’s the best thing you’ve ever done?

Professionally, I performed as a backing dancer for Rihanna and Jay Z in the Paralympic Closing Ceremony in London 2012 – that was pretty awesome! Personally though, I spent a year travelling the world before my dance degree. That was incredible!

What’s your favourite joke?

Q: What do you call a man with a seagull on his head? A: Cliff

Contact: FAO Sophie

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